Transcript |
- Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] City. Aug. [August] 4/46 [1946]
Drove to Tlell arriving about noon
+ returning by 9 o'clock. While there
saw about 60 Branta c. [canadensis] occidentalis [underlined]
1 Pacific Loon, 1 Common Loon, 1 Holboell
Grebe, 20 Semipalm [Semipalmated] plover, 40 western
sandpipers, 3 herring gull, 1 glaucous
gull in a peculiar transition plumage
with white head + large amounts
of white on the back and wings,
1 Pine Grosbeak, 1 Hairy woodpecker.
Many Townsend warblers, feeding young
chickadees, juncos + g. cr. [golden-crowned] kinglets,
also 1 red-tailed hawk + 2 ravens.
Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] City Aug. [August] 5/46 [1946].
Boat day + Ch [crossed out] Muriel + Joann
went down. Collected along the road
edge + in the evening shot a small
buck deer.
Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] City Aug. [August] 6, 1946.
Worked on the deer this morning
and had lunch with the Reed [word crossed out]
Gordon Reeds, fisheries inspector for
the Q.C.I. [Queen Charlotte Islands] then saw Mr [Howard] Fairbairn
the local fisheries guardian. He
wants to go down to Skincuttle
inlet tomorrow + will run us
down then.
In afternoon spent 3 1/2 hours
in the climax forests north
of the village. It is evident