97-051_LTRS 286
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2190_97-051_286.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:51:54.632ZOriginal Checksum: ead058ff1d56955003488667dcb52760Mime Type: image/tiff
- "box of Stevensons, end the cake of Neil sons'. Thanks muchly, kids. Well, have to cell quite this time. The folks in the house ere yawfling, sd it*s time I "alleyed" uu to bed. Will tell you ell about it when I get hack. Yours lovingly, FEED k Mons, -O IIovember 22nd, 1918. Fear Mother and. Lad,- In that letter I sent via Jack Keech I believe I mentioned that we were due to pull out for Germany in a few days. That v?es the general belief at that time, hut as we are still in lions, it would almost seem as though I had. made a mistake/ Now the rumor is going the rounds that we aren't going to Germany at all. Sounds quite plausible too, in view of the fact that I saw in the "Daily Wail” today that British troops had entered Charleroi, a city due east of here, and. one which, we would, he most likely to go through should we have to undertake the hike. When the scheme was first mentioned like all the other hoys, I was enthusiastic over it,. Thought it would he great to visit Germany. Wouldn't take leave now on a bet. and so on. Since then about umpteen inspections has caused me to alter my time. When a, fellow ha,s to scrub his equipment twice in three deys,- the first time I've ever done it,- it is just about time we were sent back home. Two days ago we were inspected by a Brig-Cenl.. We “fell in'1 with full packs at 10,30, and it was 1 o'clock before we were dis- F- missed. Believe me, standing for 2k hours matter. And from, what they say, that is a. sample of what we'll get tell we hit Canada. If this is peace, give me war,' Aside from, these blasted inspections, have no complaint to make. This is certainly a fine town, hut is spoilt by having too many Canadian Corps billeted, in it. The whole Canadian Corps is quartered in and around the city, and no matter at what hour of the day or night you chance to wander up town, you'll find hundreds of soldiers on the streets. The stores are doing a roaring business, especially in the souvenir line. Am sorry, but I've been unable to run across anything suitable for Xmas within my means- so I'm afraid you'll have to wait till I get my next leave, some two months from now. Had dinner with Stan Young the other night. Met him on the street. He is a Lieut, now, and business manager of the 4th Liv. Y. Same old “Umphy". Being an officer hasn't changed him any, wherein he differs a. great deal from the average run. After dinner we bad a box s ’ seat in the big theatre here ata performance of "H.M. S.Pinafore", given
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