Transcript |
- We went ashore on Burnaby Island + took
2 Tattlers + one of 3 least Sandpipers.
Charlie [Charles J. Guiguet] shot an Alexandrian rat +
I saw a deer + a shrew. There are
bears on the island. Birds seen
+ heard were 150 crows, 2 ravens, 1
eagle, 4 oystercatchers, 2 tattlers, 3
least sandpipers, 4 pigeon guillemots
several chickadees, winter wrens, kinglets
+ 1 western flycatcher.
Anchored for night in Dana Pass.
Aug. [August] 19/46 [1946].
Weighed anchor at 7 AM + ran to Little
Goose Bay, then to Pacofi + round into
Skidans [Skedans] Bay. An easily reachable alpine
summit lies immediately behind Pacofi
another + larger one reaching higher
altitudes - to bare rock lies west
of Big Goose bay, it might be a 2 day
job to reach it but looks excellent
N [North] + S. [South] Low Islands should be
worked for bird colonies, also Skidans [Skedans]
Ran to the head of Cumshewa +
then to Q.C. [Queen Charlotte] City arriving at 10:30.
En route saw many Rhinos [Rhinoceros auklets] between
Cumshewa head + Sandspit. All carrying
feed + the majority of them moving
S [South]. Cumshewa Isl. [Island] should be examined
for a nesting colony. In Copper Bay
saw several Pacific Loons + took one adult.