Miniature_Arts_of_China_and_Japan 116

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Tiffany Chan
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Filename: Miniature_Arts_116.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • 112 Opium Boxes with scene of pavilions/of objects for the scholar's desk � Flacons � opium ornes de pavillons/objets de pupitre de lettre � Qing dynasty, 19th century � cloisonne/champleve � Gift of Hy Eiley, AGGV 2003.012.007 , 2003.012.006, 2003.012.001 Opium Pipe � Pipe � opium � Qing dynasty, 19th/early 20th century � bamboo, ivory, bronze � Gift of Bruce and Dorothy Brown, AGGV 2004.008.031 � Opium Boxes � Flacons � opium � Qing dynasty, 19th century � silver � Gift of Hy Eiley, AGGV 2003.012.016, 2003.012.008 Opium Boxes with relief design of intertwined flowers, leaves and a bat/of chrysanthemums � Flacons � opium avec motif en relief de fleurs enchevetrees, feuilles et chauve-souris/ chrysanthemes � Qing dynasty, 19th century � silver, enamels � Gift of Hy Eiley, AGGV 2002.028.014, 2003.012.009 (left) Opium Box with porcupine quills (middle, right) � (a gauche) Flacon � opium orne d'aiguilles de porc-epic � Opium Boxes with scenes of architecture in landscape and geometric design/ peony � (au milieu, � droite) Flacons � opium ornes de scenes d'architecture dans un paysage et d'un motif geometrique/pivoine, bambou et pin � Qing dynasty, 19th century � bamboo and pine niello ware � Gift of Hy Eiley, AGGV 2003.012.012, 2003.012.002, 2002.028.010
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