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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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Filename: 8233_img_075.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:52:38.585Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Zool. Dept. [Zoology Department] [words crossed out] + 1/2 bird banding operations. Prof. [Professor] P. Suomalianan - physiologist + 1/2 the zool. [zoology] Laboratory or Dept. [Department] of the University Dr. Palmgren. teaching the Swedish part of zoology. Fabricius [underlined] is now at the Swedish Fisheries Research Inst [Institute] at Drottningholm, Stockholm actually his work with waterfowl behaviour was a follow up of earlier work by Heinroth + Lawrence in Germany. Sept [September] Suomo Research Station, N. [North] Karelia, Finalnd. This morning at 8 we arrived at Joensuu where we were met by the Game Supervisor of this area. We had breakfast with the supervisor of the local timber concern + then drove 80 miles in a generally NNE. [north northeast] direction to Pankakoski, a smaller town where we had lunch with the general manager of a large Kraft + carton factory. It rained hard all night + most of the morning but let up after lunch as we drove the last 30 km [kilometers] here. All the way was on dirt roads like those of central B.C. [British Columbia] + through a most beautifully forrested [forested] country in which Pinus sylvestris [underlined] + Betula dominated - the latter in brilliant autumn gold. On the way
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