97-051_LTRS 226

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2130_97-051_226.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:28:48.034Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 22J seme due fate awaitp a soccer game scheduled for tomorrow. This morning, instad of a. few physical jerks followed by a short route march, we vvere manoeuvered more or less successfully - and suc­cessively- around our ball field by a heterogeneous conglomeration of incongruincongruousities whome this unfortunate unit has had saddled on it under the guise of officers. Apparently the command "Stand at ease,- stand easy" was unknown to them for 1*11 swear they kept us on tie jumpfrom 8.15 A.M, to 11,30 without a rest. To cep the climax the last guy to take a crack at us, having by some mys­terious means discovered that we possessed a few ounces of reserve energy, pr&ceeddd to deprive us even ofthat by making us double twice around the parade ground. Need I remark that the atmosphere in our immediate vicinity had a somewhat bluish tinge before we finished? Am thankful tossy that this demfule inspection is on the boards for next Tuesday,so what is left of our gallant band by then will do our best to kid this high mogul into thinking that we are a crack unit. And yet they say there*© s war on’ It’s enough to make Napoleon turn over in his grave* Well, I see they’ve railroaded that service chevron stunt through. So far none of our fellow? have put them up, and unless compelled to do so, we old timerswon't put ’em up. It is certainly a raw deal, and I wonder that Currie stood for it. Oh’ they’ll wake up some day. Since writing you last, our soccer teem has played three games, losing one, winning; the ‘next, and drawing the last. I played back in the first game, which was played, if I’m not mistaken, on the day when I last wrote you. It was an awful day for football too, Just when we lined up to start ’ er off, up came an extremely violent hailstorm, so violent in fact that we were forced to seek cover. The firld was in pretty rotten shape before the storm, but that put the blink on it altogether. Impossible to judge the ball, just had to take a chance and throw your foot at it when it come your way. And heavy’ Ye gods’ I nearly smashed my foot several times. Our forward line couldn’t seem to settle down on the slippery ground, and though they worked the ball up quite often to shooting distance, couldn't put the finishing touches to the effort. Neither side scored till a few minutes before time, when our goalie fumbled a kick long enough to allow their center forward to charge both him and the bell then the goal. That began and finished the scoring for that game. We all had to ba.the and change clothes after the game. Needed to, I can assure you, for all of us had managed to mop up a fair share of cold slimy mud during the game* Played a return game with the same team last Sunday, on a dry, fast pitch this time, and hadno difficulty in trimming; them this time, and to the tune of 4 to 1, I being back in my old position as goalie. Only had about four shots to handle the whole game. Three afternoons ago we tangled up with an Imperial labor company* on a pitch a couple of kilometres from here, journeying thither in a horse ambulance. Our fellows were decidedly off color.
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