97-051_LTRS 65

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 1969_97-051_065.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:51:34.816Z
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Creator Transcript
  • hey this morning, Bidn’t Fleet) very much though. Too much noise end huetle for that. Never could sleep in the deytime anyway. Quite a few shells thrown over by the Asylum on Saturday. Fritz had been bombarding the town where our base was located for three days, and had done quite a bit of damage. So much so that the civilian population and soldiers too, were ordered out of the town. In retaliation a huge gun was brought up Friday night and set up about 150 yards from the Asylum, Saturday afternoon it opened up, and apparently worried Fritz, for after firing 23 rounds, Fritz started slinging shrapnel and high exolosives after the gun in fine style. Some racket, believe me, when those big shells buret. Of course we werd all ordered below, a wise measure too, as the shrapnel was dropping down like hail for a while, I guess Fritz sent over at least 1$0 shells, once, the only damage being a slight wound sustained by the eergt, of the gun crew. In the evening the gun opened up again, but Fri.tz was right on the job again, and they had to quit after fir­ing five or six rounds, Sunday morning the gun was gone, and only huge shell craters all around it showed where it had been. Just bumped into a Victoria fellow, a few minutes ago. I don’t know him, but the kid does, and I guess Bad too. Hill is his name,and he used to be in the Yates St. fire hall. He was the first soldier to come back to Victoria,, then enlisted in the 48th and csme over here again. He is down with trench fever this time. He and three others were caught in "No Man's Land" and had to lie there for three days in the wet. One of the reasons we couldn’t sleep today was that a bunch of Belgians, all young fellows, who should have been fighting long ago, have been kicking up an awful racket all day. Seems thst they are being made to join the colors tomorrow 8nd they have been celebrating today. One fellow on the accordian, another carrying the Belgian flag, and twenty or so parading up and down the road, all full as ticks, singing, dancing, in fact raising hell in gener­al, They are a rotten bunch and no mistake about it. The kid and I brought in a soldier last night who had got into a scran with four of these hoodlums. In the melee he was stabbed in the back, knocked down, and had three ribs smashed by somebody’s boot. His lieutenant came in to see him, and the soldier told him that"it was rather a good time while it lasted". And the Belgian Relief Fund is supposed to help suoh riff raff as they are. That parcel arrived two days ago, I mean the one with the 'bakes in it. Sorry to say that they were battered beyond all recognition. Too much handling I guess, as they went to Bibgate first, then to Le Havre, from there to 3rd Biv, A.B.M.S. and finally to the Asylum, Only one handkerchief, was that right? The package had been re­packed so I just wondered if everything was intact. The raisins, dates, eto. came in Jake shape though, and are just about finished. Harold had some oandied dAtes and fudge from Mrs, Monroe. Bon't
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