Transcript |
- May 10-11 1943. Accompanied A.A. Sherman, Fisheries
Guardian, on visit to Active Pass,
Trincomali Channel, Balingal [Ballingal] Islet,
Saltspring [Salt Spring] Island. Main purpose to
visit otter-trawl fishermen but they
were not working in these areas at this
Ballingal Islet - visited 10:30 A.M. on
the 11th - Many Cormorants, gulls, guillemots
in attendance
Thirty-four nest were constructed or
under construction in trees at this date - no
eggs sen - crows present as if waiting
for eggs to be laid.
All shrubs but one on east face
of rock appear to have been killed (by
droppings) since last visit (1941).
Small male sea-lion (about 1000 lb [pounds]) was
shot about 2 weeks ago in Sansum Narrows.
We visited carcass but found teeth
incomplete so did not remove skull.
Sherman reports that airmen in a "crash-
boat" from Pat Bay shot and killed
3 swans near Sidney. They brought the
birds in to Mr. Muskloe[?] at Canoe Cove
who told them they were swans and that
there was a heavu penalty for shooting them