97-051_LTRS 212

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2116_97-051_212.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:28:09.860Z
Original Checksum: 540b9279b302b958624ea19e97ee3ba3
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Creator Transcript
  • 209 - Haven’t heard from the kid personally since I last wrote, but I was told by one of our ambulance drivers that he had received a letter from Christie in which was mentioned the fact that Harold was onhis "sick" leave. So probably by this time he is making preparations to cross the pond a# a in- but with a much more joyful prospect in front of him. As you remark, it would certainly be fine if he should happen to hit the train Poe Parish is in charge of. Stranger things have hap­pened. Geei he has one grand old time ahead of him. Cheer up. Mother I’ll be on the road back home one of thdse fine days too. Say, mother, do you honestly think a. fellow could enjoy his leave if he hung on tight to his purse strings. Over here we draw 45 francs a month, which is equivalent to $9.00, and how far do you expect that will go? Xdon’t smoke, drink or gamble yet I’m always broke a week before payday. So is it any wonder a fellow wants to see hie money roll when on leave. The money is hard earned- no mistake- about that, but so is the leave, and a trip to Nice or Paris without a fair amount of money wouldn’t appeal to me at all. Am not worrying about "apres la guerre" money problems just yet. Time enough for that when 1 get back. Hope you succeed in renting the shack, every little bit helps thes< strenuous days. I could do with a couple of those dry cedar lo^s from off the beach right now, for wood is a great problem over here.. Just how great a scarcity there is you'll reslize when I tell you that the magnificent shade trees lining nearly every main road in this vicinity are being cut down by a forestry battalion. Seems a shame, doesn’t it? But I suppose it is a necessity. Your letter to Harold being enclosed, I naturally read it too. Like you I’m sorry that the kid didn’t receive any Xmas parcels. I fel' rather guilty at glomming to most of his parcels, but have now come to the conclusion that I did a. wise thing, for none of the parcels I ’ ve forwarded to him have ever reached him. So after all is said and done, it was far better for me to share them with his and my pals than to :iJS have them eaten up by the thieves down at the base. If the girls never eat anything worse than margarine they’ll have no. kick comj.ng. We’ve never had butter since coming over here, Oan’t say I’ve missed it very much, though I’ll admit that some of the mar­garine wasn't overly good. Have ceased to be finicky on the food pro­position long ego. Am willing and able to tackle anything these days. Visions of me turning down turnips, cabbage, onions, spinach, tomatoes, etc. nowadays. Take it from me,‘Mother, I’ll eat you out of house end home when I hit God* s country again. Personelly I've never taken much stock in this G.W.V.A. movement. That Comrade stuff especially gets my "nanny". Maybe I'm wrong- and I hope I am- but to my way of thinking, a bout all they are after is news­paper notoriety. Getting a little bit chilly now, will have to get busy shortly and start a fire. Will finish this first though.
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