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- The first Edo shogun, Tokugawa leyasu, settled 34 fishermen on this tiny island so they could catch whitefish, one of his favourite foods.
Le premier shogun de la periode Edo, Tokugawa leyasu, installs 34 pecheurs sur cette fie minuscule pour qu'ils lui procurent du coregone, un de ses aliments preferes.
57 Hokusai Katsushika
Moonlight on the Yodo River / Clair de lune sur la riviere Yodo Series: Snow, Moon and Flowers
Woodblock print
Fred and Isabel Pollard
AGGV 1963.081.001 p.77
This print shows Osaka�s main river with boats either being poled by boatmen or towed by labourers on shore. Osaka was Japan's second major commercial city. The rice merchants of the city served as bankers and financiers for the upper classes. To the right is the Osaka Castle keep, the city�s administration centre.
Cette estampe represente la principale riviere d�Osaka sur laquelle des barges sont poussees � la perche par les passeurs ou tirees � partir de la rive. Osaka eta it la deuxieme principale ville commerciale du Japon. Les marchands de riz de la ville font office de banquiers et de financiers pour les classes superieures. On apercoit � droite le donjon du chateau d�Osaka, le centre administratif de la ville.
58 Hiroshige Ando
Moonlight over Sumida River / Clair de lune sur le fleuve Sumida Series: Famous Views of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Dr. and Mrs.
James Langley AGGV 2004.026.061 p.78
The scene shows pleasure boats docking at a bridge next to a restaurant.
Embarcations de plaisance � quai pres du pont qui avoisine un restaurant.
59. Hiroshige Ando
Moonlight at Takanawa /
Clair de lune a Takanawa Series: Famous Views of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Mrs. Katherine Moffatt, AGGV 1985.007.006 p.79
60. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) Scattered Pines by Tone
River / Pins disperses pres de la riviere Tone Series: Famous Views of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Dr. and Mrs.
James Langley AGGV 2004.026.053 p.80
The scene is of a fisherman casting his net over the Tone River (a popular place to catch carp), its banks dotted with pine trees. The lead-weighted edge of the net forms an intricate web with a blurred continuation of the distant shore.
Un pecheur lance son filet sur la riviere Tone (ou on venait en nombre pecher la carpe). Des pins sont disperses sur le rivage. Le bord du filet, teste, forme une toile complexe avec une portion floue du rivage eloigne.
61 Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858)
Fireworks at Ryogoku
Bridge / Feux d artifice
sur le pont Ryogoku
Series: One Hundred Famous
Views of Edo
Woodblock print
Gift of Mr. Theodore Lande
AGGV 1984.054.014 p.81
Judging from the large number of prints on the subject, watching fireworks being set off at Ryogoku Bridge was a very popular summer pastime. The fireworks were sometimes sponsored by the restaurants along the river�s banks. In this print we see many people on the bridge and a large number of pleasure boats in the water. The larger boats were piloted by four men and were for big parties, while the smaller boats, helmed by two men, were for more intimate gatherings.
� en juger par le grand nombre d�estampes produites sur le sujet, assister � un feu
d'artifice sur le pont Ryogoku eta it une distraction d�ete tres populaire. Ces feux d�artifice etaient parfois commandites par des restaurants le long du fleuve. Sur cette estampe, on remarque de nombreuses personnes sur le pont et un grand nombre d�embarcations de plaisance sur l�eau. II fallait quatre hommes pour manceuvrer les grandes embarcations qui etaient reservees aux grands groupes. Les plus petites, que deux hommes suffisaient � manoeuvrer, etaient occupees par des rassemblements plus intimes.
62. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) Kiyomizu Temple and Shinobazu Pond at Ueno / Temple Kiyomizu et bassin Shinobazu a Ueno Woodblock print
Gift of Mr. Theodore Lande AGGV 1984.054.017 p.82
Looking at the cherry trees in blossom in Ueno Park was a very popular pastime in Edo Japan.
Admirer les cerisiers en fleurs dans le pare Ueno etait un passe-temps tres prise au Japon durant la periode Edo.
63. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) Ishiyakushi
Woodblock print
Fred and Isabel Pollard
AGGV 1989.025.001 p.83 (left)
This print showing a cherry tree in blossom and peasants in a field was copied by van Gogh in the upper-right background of his famous portrait of Pere Tanguy. Van Gogh treasured his own personal collection of ukiyo-e prints and sometimes made copies of them.
Cette estampe represente un cerisier en fleurs et des paysans au champ. Le peintre van Gogh la copiera � l�arriere-plan de son celebre portrait du Pere Tanguy. Vincent Van Gogh etait tres attache � sa propre collection d�estampes ukiyo-e. II lui arrivait d'en faire des copies.
64. Hiroshige Ando (1797-1858) Shimmei Shrine and Zojoji
Temple / Chasse Shimmei
et temple Zojoji
Series: One Hundred
Famous Views of Edo
Woodblock print
Gift of Ines Mottershead in
memory of her father,
Col. H. C. Carey, C.M.C.
AGGV 1978.219.001 p.83 (right)
Groups of novice monks and old pilgrims are seen here visiting a shrine and a temple. The Zojoji Temple was the burial site for the Tokugawa shoguns.
Groupes de moines novices et de pelerins ages qui visitent une ch�sse et un temple. Le temple Zojoji etait le tombeau des shoguns Tokugawa.
65 Hiroshige II Utagawa
(1829-69), Shin-Yoshiwara Series: Forty-eight Views of Famous Places of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Dr. and Mrs.
James Langley
AGGV 2004.026.0018 p.84 (top)
The Yoshiwara was the red- light district of the city of Edo. The old Yoshiwara district burned down in the Meireki fire of 1657. It was rebuilt at a new location and renamed Shin-Yoshiwara or New Yoshiwara. Often, young girls were sold to the brothels by their impoverished parents.
Yoshiwara etait le � quartier de plaisirs � de la ville d�Edo. L�ancien Yoshiwara fut detruit par l�incendie de Meireki en 1657. II fut rebati � un autre endroit et renomme Shin- Yoshiwara ou � nouveau � Yoshiwara. Les parents pauvres viennent souvent y vendre leurs fillettes aux maisons closes.
66 Hiroshige II Utagalwa
Surawaka-cho Series: Forty-eight Views of Famous Places of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Dr. and Mrs.
James Langley AGGV 2004.026.0020 p.84 (bottom)
Surawaka-cho was the licensed Kabuki theatre area of Edo. The foreground of this scene shows a street filled with many placards