97-051_LTRS 238

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2142_97-051_238.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T17:49:16.958Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 255 - of enjoyment out of it may be readily imagined when I mention that our section fell in in full marching order- blanket and greatcoat included- at 9.20 A»K#, end weren't dismissed till 11 o’ cl ook, never for a moment having our packs off. I'm wrong there though, come to think of it. Bill Maguire, Finn and "Dad" Austin were selected to spread out their kits for the idifixation of the inspecting /- officers. The rest of us- standing "easy- groaned inwardly when Finn was picked for the ordeal, not knowing Finn, you can hardly understand our feelings. You see, we had the interests of the section at heart- maybe- end were determined to have the coveted decorations come our way, notwithstanding the fact that B sec. had "blrncoed" their equipment and C sec. scrubbed theirs, while we had been content to let well enough alone. By a modern miracle Finn had actuellymanaged to gather together a complete kit, but the eagle eye of the officer spotted his billy can, and nicking it ut>, he took a couple of sniffs at it, then made the momentous decision that it was unsanitary. The blow' almost killed Finn.* he came into the fold again all he could say was "'where the hell does he get that stuff. Unsanitary] 'Why I cleaned it thoroughly yesterday". Again not being acquainted with the gentleman, you a.re unable to comprehend what the word "thoroughly" means to him. Well, to make a long story short, C section were awarded the palm, Alex VTyers, Jack Ritchie and old man Bertie being the lucky? ones. Once again I resume my task, having in the meantime sweltered in the hot sun for a couple of hours umpiring a ball game between the. engineers and signallers. Simmy started on the bases, but pulled a couple of raw ones, so, the other team raising a rumpus, I had to hand him his walking pacers and give the job to Finn. He got by in fine style. This is’ the second game I've umpired, in three days, so I'm quite a well known character around this village. I supcose you realize a.s well as I do that I've been in France now for two years and three days, and have every right to call myself an old timer. Two years' Just think of it. /no going on for 53 months in the army. Ye gods] I'll be an old man before this is over. 'Tis rumored that a Canadian mail is due in tomorrow. Hope so, for it is nearly three weeks since the last one. Still no news­paper or parcel mail from. Canada. Tout finis. Best love to all, FRED
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