97-051_LTRS 120

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 2024_97-051_120.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:24:07.033Z
Original Checksum: 435d7a8c3031815ab3b69ea59f4754f1
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  • 118 and mild nights, I wps in this village some six v;eel<e ago before the mud had cleared away. Soi;e difference now. The green grass is eorouting, and trees end hushes ere showing signs of life, and the birds are singing and twittering eway at a great old rate. This is about the prettiest section of Prance we’ve been in yet. In the six months we've put in on this front I guess I've been in at least fifty towns and villages in the forward and hack areas, so I am a qualified judge. Rumors still persist that we are due to move shortly, but that is as far as it goes. ft Your last letter came along about a week ago, and was mighty glad to hear that you were in line for a ten day's jaunt to Portland Only wish I oould have accompanied you, I had a letter from Plorrie a few days ago, and judging from what she said, I'll bet there was a great old line of bull spilled when you got together again. Tickled to death to hear that you were seriously considering taking music lessons again. It would have been too bad had you drifted away from it. Tripp's price comes high all right. Haven't seeneny of the boys lately outside of Lcn Pascoe, Hid you know that Piute was over herennow with Ho. 2 Pi eld Arab.? Sure come to think of it, I mentioned it inmy last letter to Mother. I mailed a couple of small parcels about a week ago, contain­ing some odde and ends I've been carting axmnd for some considera­ble time. Hone they reach you safely. Phew, I'm warm. Am sitting against a brick wall with the sun shinning full on me. It's great though to realize that summer is here again. I have a hunch that we've received several parcels from home which have not been acknowledged. While the strafe was on, our time was fully occupied and then some, so if we failed to thank you just lay it to stress of work, "Comprez", Well, I don’t know that I have anything more to talk about so will just naturally have to oallquits. How for the love of Mike don't worry over this gas business. I've a pretty tough constitution, and will be jake-a-loo in a few days. The kid is tip top. Love to all, Fred P.S. Also sending along a few more leaves and flowers to add to the oolleotion, A botanist will be needed shortly to classify them. All were picked on Vimy.
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