Transcript |
- May 21/41 [1941]
Heavy wind blowing all night + all day
Up at 5:30 A.M. to tend trap line. - Not
a thing in mine. Ian [McTaggart Cowan] got 4 Perognathus lordi [underlined]
From the end of the line we worked over to
the base of the mountain, Ian [McTaggart Cowan] taking a
cottontail on the way. Up a rock slide
Ian [McTaggart Cowan] collected a Rock wren and the rare
Canyon wren
Spend time after breakfast skinning Kingbirds
collected at Hedley
At 3 P.M. went to town + found auto
jack + sweater at P.O. [post office]
Local birds (in cotton wood copse around tent)
Lewis' wood pecker (pr. [pair] with nest) Magpies, Orioles
Mourning doves, Yellow headed blackbird, Red shafted
Flicker, Pee Wee, Gold finch, Yellow warbler,
Warbling Vereo [Vireo], Quail. McFarlane's Owl nesting.
Twenty one geese flew over in early A.M. [morning]
Set out 22 mouse traps 500 yards north of
camp along lake shore road.
At dusk began shooting at bats later changing
to net. Ian [McTaggart Cowan] took 9. Several were
knocked down + lost.
One Perognathus [underlined] in traps set today.
When dark we made a circuit through the
creek bottom + sage brush looking for rabbits
by light. Put up one but didn't get him
Found a Spadefoot toad in driest part of sagebrush.