Transcript |
- We built 2 traps but through
accident both were imperfect
+ let some of the birds escape
tagged a total of 26 birds.
Lac La Hache July 22/48 [1948]
Visited Jones Lake + found it to be
very much choked with weeds
+ without obvious duck population
so went down to 149 mile Lake
where I counted:
Canvasback + 5, 4, 5, 6
Redhead + 8; 7
Ruddy + 7, 8 (1)
Mallard + 6 (3)
Scaup + 6
Blue w [winged] teal + 8 (2)
Shovellor + 6 (1)
Goldeneye + 1, 7, 8
Bufflehead + 3
Saw also 12 Dowitchers, 1 Solitary Sandp. [Sandpiper],
1 Least sandp. [sandpiper], 2 Lesser yellowlegs, 8
greater yellowlegs, 5 Wilson phalaropes.
Lac La Hache July 23/48 [1948]
Rained hard all night, off + on in
morning + poured in P.M. [evening] We went
to 105 mile Lake after lunch + began
the erection of a trap on the N. [North] shore
of the lake.