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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 1891
Width: 2375
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File Size: 13491864
Filename: pp_004.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T04:10:28.572Z
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Creator Transcript
  • and about 20 grad students Total U [university] of Tokyo enrollment about 9000 undergrads + the same no [number] of grads. The labs were very cluttered. No one seemed to put anything away - organization seemed completely lacking. Instead we had an old style British or Amer. [American] University with [illegible word] working in an awful mess with indifferent + archaic equipment + almost by candle light. There were a few first rate bits of equipment Spectrometers, microscopes Ultra centrifuge (cost about $600) The University has a good electron micrsocope + infra red spectrophotometer but these are in other departments - though available for general use. We were met by Dr. K. Takewaki, head of the Dept [Department] + Dr T. Fuji. Almost the entire research effort is physiological Research in Dept [Department] of Zoology U. [University] of Tokyo April 1957 - March 1958 Takewaki, K. Steroid hormone interaction in mammals. Fuji, T. Biochemical studies of mitosis; Amphibian organizer[?] Kinosita, H. Membrane potential of protozoa Ishida, J. Metabolic changes during embryonic development. Kobayashi, H. Effect of progesterone on the molt of birds Egami, N. Analysis of the factors effecting secondary sex chrs [chromosomes] - [illegible word] Ueda, K. Electrophysiology physiology studies with ciliates. _________ Kambara, S. Histochemical studies of hormone activity in animal tissues. Mizuna, T. Behaviour of zinc in mitosis Okinaki, T. Catalase activity in normal + cancerous tissue Taguchi, S. Effect of DNF + NaN3 on lactic and production in embryonic tissue Takakashi, K. Local chemical stimulation of a single muscle (By [4 illegible words]) Tikasugi N. Effect of long lasting inflammation on secretion pattern of gonadotropins in the rat.
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