97-051_LTRS 272

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
Width: 5100
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2176_97-051_272.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T17:51:17.879Z
Original Checksum: 679393cdd8832c70e8e034e40b4b82a1
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • 268 - Hope that parcel Sammy mailed you reached you savely. I have a few other odds and ends in the souvenir line that 1*11 send , along one of these days. If I send much more you’ll have to build an addition to the house to store ’em in. cl oee/ Haven’t anything more to write about this week, so will As ever. Yours lovingly, FRED P, S. The enclosed post cards and photos I found in a wallet in a dug out just out of remain. I also have Kauower Martin’s pay book afcd Iron Cross ribbon, the award of which is mentioned on one of the enclosed parsers. Will send them, on later. Apparently he was a very patriotic guy to judge from the post cards, but as he nad. "allezed" toute suite" before I arrived, wasn't able to make his acquaintance. The "Gott mitt uns" belt in Sanaa’s parcel also belonged to him, and I even obtained one of his shoulder straps, Nothing like making a good job of it, while you’re at it. Prance, Ootober 6th, 1918, Dear Mother and Dad,- Just a few lines to let you know that I am still in the land of the living. We came out of the line yesterday after putting intten more or less strenuous days up there. Thought I’d be able to drop you an occassional field card, but circumstances decreed otherwise. You’ll have to be content with this note for a few days at any rate. Dpe for a bath parade in a few minutes-- God knows I need it too, was never more lousy in my career- Expect it won’t be anything to boast about, for Pritz occupied all this ground ten days ago. However it'll mean a change of clothes, which will help some, believe me. Isn’t the war news great these days? Might be over by Xmas yet. In haste, Yoursiovingly, PEEP
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