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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
Width: 657
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 1026956
Filename: 8209_img_051.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:45:55.130Z
Original Checksum: 6e0f39671b14f73eaf55297900ba1a52
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Creator Transcript
  • housed extensive collections covering the entire field of biology + palaentology [paleontology]. There are some extremely fine collections of fossil mammals from south American including 2 mounted Mylodon [underlined] + 2 Glyptodont [underlined]. Other very noteworthy items I saw were 2 great Auks + one egg. The only perfect skull of a dodo in existence - it is complete even to the scleratic ring. A very fine new exhibit of the Quaternary vertebrate remains divided into several periods. The periods recognized here are a late Pleistocene, a tundra community; a post pleistocene that was much warmer + is technically referred to as the [space left blank] period. It was a savannah ecology with horses etc [etcetera]. Then came another colder period with great extension of the water over the land, + this in turn led to a beach-oak forest climax that persists today. The separation of the Island of Zealand from the peninsula took place about 6000 B.C. [Before Christ] [Magnus Anton] Degerbol tells me that all the mammals of the recent, on Zealand are smaller than their Pleistocene counterparts except the badger which is distinctly larger. I lunched with the museum group and met
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