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left: article: “Enter the first lady captain of the Gentlemen at Arms” “Premier Harold Wilson last night kept up his trend towards a more Women’s Lib-type Government…”; article: “I’d love to smoke a pipe; but I’m a married women… [readers’ letters]; article: “Freeze on work” “About 500 women at the British Domestic Appliance refrigerator plant; Peterborough; went on strike today…”; article with black and white illustration: “Dave gives his wife a marathon runaround” “But a 26-mile spin is nothing for today’s galloping girls” [credit: Russ Edgar] [photo: “Dave Holt and wife Laraine…he’s looking forward to America”; article: “The Rag Queen is now a female impersonators”; article: “Casanova’s crown as the all-time king of ‘Latin lovers’ is slipping”; article: “An appeal court in New Jersey has upheld the dismissal of school teacher Mrs. Paula Grossman who was sacked after undergoing a sex change.” right: article: “A sharp stab of fear is guaranteed to haunt Cliff Richard on Saturday night when he competes in the Eurovision Song Contest…”; article: “Death Valley Lib”; article: “What’s a wife worth?…”; article: “As if it’s not enough that he’s been screeching all women should stay at home…” [concerning Bobby Riggs match with Margaret Court]; playbill: “Coming Quietly” by Martin O’Leary; article: “Metre-maid figures cut down to size” “Have no fear; girls—your figures are safe…”

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