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- Depositor
- Tiffany Chan
- Date Uploaded
- 2020-12-03
- Date Modified
- 2020-12-03
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- passed on September 03, 2024 at 11:54
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Height: 5602
Width: 3613
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 60765110
Filename: 3461_ImagesFromTheTomb_004.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-03T22:54:45.328Z
Original Checksum: 2d053965bc39d972aee0714030224b18
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator |
Transcript |
- Copyright � 1988 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Till, Barry.
Images from the tomb: Chinese burial figurines
Text in English and French.
Catalogue of an exhibition held Feb. 11-Apr.
12, 1988
ISBN 0-88885-115-4 1. Figurines-China-Exhibitions. 2.
Sculpture, Chinese-Exhibitions. 3. Tombs- China-Exhibitions. I. Swart, Paula. II.
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. III. Title.
IV. Title: Image des tombes.
NB1042.T54 1988 732'.71 '074011134 C88-091067-4E
Donnees de catalogage avant publication (Canada)
Till, Barry.
Images from the tomb: Chinese burial figurines
Texte en frangais et en anglais.
Catalogue d�une exposition tenue le 11 fevrier au 12 avril 1988.
ISBN 0-88885-115-4 1. Figurines-Chine-Expositions. 2.
Sculpture chinoise-Expositions. 3. Tombeaux-Chine-Expositions. I. Swart,
Paula. II. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
III. Titre. IV. Titre: Image des tombes.
NB1042.T54 1988 732'.71'074011134 C88-091067-4F
Designed by James Bennett
and printed in Canada by
Victoria, British Columbia