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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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Filename: 8287_img_129.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:47:50.695Z
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Creator Transcript
  • to fall back on insects etc. [etcetera] Some indeed bring so little food to the [female symbol] that she leaves the nest to hunt + the eggs chill. 2. The amount of food available directly governs the numbers of young raised. In this species it is the last hatchling that perishes. 3. The birds have definite hunting territories of about 50 acres. This was determined by marking as many of the small mammals as possible + getting the marks back from the pellets. 4. The range of exodus of young is very small + the normal fate of the young is to perish. Only enough surviving to keep the habitat full 5. He is not sure yet how the predator effects the prey but it looks as if a point of diminishing returns exists that is about the same from year to year. Major hazards are snow - but this is rare. Discussed with [Charles] Elton the question of cycles. He still half toys with the idea of an overall control, + favors "weather patterns" but cannot explain the mode of operation [David] Lack on the other hand is convinced that food is the ultimate control in all fluctuations. Had lunch with David [Lambert] Lack + with Dr. [space left blank] professor of entomology here + later spent most of the afternoon with [David Lambert] Lack. With him I had a long discussion of the correspondence
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