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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-09
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-09
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- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 2760Width: 1925File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 15964440Filename: 5823_pp_179.tifLast Modified: 2024-08-08T22:49:02.168ZOriginal Checksum: c5cb2134347b285c334b5d7e5b416559Mime Type: image/tiff
- Jasper. May 17/46 [1946] Beautiful day. Ran our traps in morning + in afternoon Bert [Pfeiffer] took car for a grease job while Garry [Cowan] + I went back to the foothills. " May 18/46 [1946] Cloudy with a few light showers. In the morning we lifted the traps on Buffalo [word crossed out] Moberly Flats - bears have rendered their continuation useless. In the afternoon Frank Wells went with us to the Athabasca Falls area _ there showed us several coyote dens between the Celestine Lake road and Celestine Creek. Jasper. May 19, 1946. In morning visited pond + heaver workings east of camp. + Patricia Lake. Only waterfowl seen were a white w. [winged] scoter on each of Patricia + L. [Lake] Edith + 3 Holboell grebes on Edith. 2 Buffleheads on pond. In afternoon drove to mile 20 at Talbot Lake. There saw a pair of white w. [winged] scoters, 1 surf scoter, 1 wavey, a pair + one odd drake blue w. [winged] teal. Fishermen reported finding a goose nest with 5 eggs. One Amer. [American] Merg. [Merganser] drake Returning in the 20 miles saw
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