copy 14
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
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- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 2819Width: 2382File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 20170486Filename: 2001_pp_016.tifLast Modified: 2024-08-09T05:36:39.908ZOriginal Checksum: 12aaf7e152bcbda088f21efb9e438c70Mime Type: image/tiff
- -14- July 23, 1930. Rain. Sora rail in vole traps, mouse in flying squirrel traps. Saw pileated woodpecker, Lincoln's sparrow. Set muskrat traps at Talbot Lake. Set some more flying squirrel traps. July 24,1930. Rain all day. Took one juv. [juvenile] muskrat. July 25th,1930. Rain all day. Waited for beavers at Talbot Lake, only young ones seen. Saw male American goldeneye in full plumage. Muskrat uses tail when swimming. July 26, 1930. Rain intermittedly [intermittently]. Waited for beaver - no luck. Saw moose and 10 deer - 2 does with 2 fawns apiece. Hit coyote but it got away. Whiskey jack in trap. Marsh Harrier. July 27, 1930. Took large female beaver - 75 lbs. [pounds] and 7 white-winged crossbills near Talbot lake. July 28, 1930. Went down highway to Mile 30. Shot 2 year old male beaver in Athabasca River, swam for it. Decidedly cold. spent morning skinning crossbills. July 29, 1930. Found 2 beavers on road hit by car. One all right, one with broken back. Took [female symbol] muskrat in Talbot Lake. Made skeleton of large beaver taken on 27th. July 30, 1930. Took flying squirrel in traps across Snaring Lake [Glaucomys sabrinus alpines] [editorial insertion by author] - bears molesting them continuously, so I lifted them. Small brown bear raided my tent and took [female symbol] muskrat. Shot it with .22. Hide no good, saved skull. July 31, 1930. Went out to Astoria Cr. [Creek] with Mrs. [Hamilton Mack] Laing [Ethel Hart] - shot 5 chipmunks.
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