97-051_LTRS 224
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2128_97-051_224.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:48:33.284ZOriginal Checksum: 7550d2caa625e0be626ccc67b784cfa3Mime Type: image/tiff
- 221 - came to France before we did, and has been on water detail ut> till s. few days ago with one ofthe C.M.K.Battel ions. He had. two stripes there, end of course retains them with us. From past experience I know that his head is solid bone, and in addition through living with him at various times in R.A.P,'s am fully aware that he hasn't the guts of a louse. And it is from such nincompoops that we unfortunate bucks have totake orders. Ye Gods.' War is sure hell. Well, that's two fellow townsmen I've bawled out now. Guess I'd better call a halt, or you'll be mistaking the mood I'm in. Put in a very enjoyable evening last night listening to a concert given in our canteen hut by an Imperial Labor company,. A Canadian mail came in yesterday, and I was undecided whether to take in the show or write letters. Am glad now I chose the former. Their songs were ell bright andsnappy, and phyliss was a peacherino, so much so in fact that "she" was given three extra cheers at the conclusion of the performance. A little diversion like that every so often goes a long way towards helping the spirit of the troops up. Fritz is certainly raising hell up north isn’t he? Well, for every inch he advances, it means heavy casualties for him.. We came down through that country he has advanced over when we moved from Passchendaile. You people have surely been kept on the anxious seat regarding the kid coming home. Here I've known it for certain for two months or more. Didn't I tell you long long ago that he was going to make the grade. Expect a note any day advising me of his sailing for home. Come to think of it, frogs legs are supposed to be a favorite French dish, aren't they? Ho, I've never seen them on a menu, let alone tasted them. Besides I don’t know the French for "frog", so no wonder I never spotted them on a menu card. But where do you get that stuff about taking quite a timeto get used to Canadian cooking again? Just "gimme" a chance and I'll show you how long it will take me to adjust my digestive apparatus to a Canuck meal. Well, Mother, time's up. Have to get busy with the patients supper. Will take a chance and send your letter on to the kid. Won't do any harm anyway, though I've a hunch he'll get it, if at all, back home. As ever Yours lovingly, FRED Still at that P.R.S. in France, April 27th, 1918. Dear Mother and Dad, - Under the soothing influence of "quatre oeufs et beaucouf pomme de terres" I ought to be in fine fettle to tear off this- my
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