97-051_LTRS 207
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2111_97-051_207.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:47:31.185ZOriginal Checksum: 6f75b663cdd0a315b22a187356d2b099Mime Type: image/tiff
- 204 Before I for/;ft it, you send me a parcel about every month, don't you? Well, a writing: pad- smell, unruled, end a package of envelopes lasts me just about that time. Get me? Tell Agnes I passed her la® on to the "Wop". Also remind her that "distance lends enchantment to the view " and that "They all look good vhen they are far away". The "Wop" will never take a prize in a beauty show, but his heart is in the right place, and that’s the main thing. Bow if there’s anything that you want to know about my trip that I’ve omitted, who just ask me about it, and I’ll answer in my next. Weather is nothing to boast about at present, though mild.. Expect to visit the trenches again shortly. Tickled at the prospect of course. Enough for t is trip. Wait just a minute. Didn’t I mention in a previous letter that I'd received Mrs, Bichol's parcel, and also one from Mrs? Munro? Am pretty sure I did. I know I wrote the kid to that effect, thinking that he might have their addresses, for neither parcel had an address. Am sorry if I’ve kppt them in doubt as to the fate of their very much appreciated parcels. As ever, Love to all, PRED An A.D.S. in Prance, Peb. 21st, 1918. Dear Mother and Dad, - Haven’t anything in particular to write about but have all kinds of time in which to do it so if I have any sort of luck, I ought to be able to tear off a page ortwo, Gan’t guarantee that it will make good reading but if you are willing to take a chance, why I am, so here goes- for better or worse. This A.D.S.( Advanced dressing station) is no stranger to me, for I have put in time here on two different occasions last year, once in May and once in September. In those days, especially May, it wasn’t exactly a healthy spot to hangaround outside, but but nary a shell trou bles us these days. At times it is pretty hard to realize that there is a war on, it is so quiet. Maybe the calm before the storm, who knows. Several weeks ago, an electric dynamo- the gift of the Ottawa Red Cross Society- was installed at t is A.D,S, so that now we have electric lights all over the joint. One of our new recruits- Wellington,
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