97-051_LTRS 70

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 1974_97-051_070.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T16:51:54.147Z
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  • 60 of us "slept" in a big barn, the floor of which was damp end full of bumps. As a consequence I just lay and shivered all night, the same experience befalling the rest of the boys. If is rather a hard proposition keening warm with only one blanket. The sun is out now though, and I am gradually thawing out. let me see, the last place I mentioned was the little French village. Our gang, ten of us, were billeted in an archway of a small farm house,, used for keeping a wagon in. About this time we were about famished, having existed on short rations since leaving Belgium. So we interviewed the lady of the house, and managed to get a meal. Sure tasted fine too. Three eggs fried in butter, bread and coffee. The coffee was simply exquisite. The bread over here is baked in huge round flat loaves about 18 inches in diameter, and was sure a treat after the heavy army stuff. Went on guard from 6 to 9 to prevent fellows from washing in the stream which ran thru the village. To bed then and had a fine sleep. Nothing to do next day in the line of duty so amused myself by walking around the country. Among other places visited the church in the village, said to be 600 years old. Quaint old building with the walls crumbling away in many places. Huge slabs of stone were used for flooring the interior and narrow seated benohes for sitting on. The confes­sional box also interested me, being made of beautifully carved wood Stayed in this little village for two days and then had ano­ther little morning*s jaunt of ten miles to our present location. We are running a D.R.S. or Divisional Rest Station here, where most of the sick from the 3rd Canadian Division are handled. Don’t expect to be here for more then four or five days, when we are due to go up the line for a short period. So expect this will be my last letter for a couple of weeks, for ff'om all accounts we are due for a rather busy time. Will try and send an occasional "whizz bang" through, just to let you know that all is well. I hardly think that Frank will lose any sleep over Marie Shaw’s wedding. He and she are a good pair, both being fond of & change, Marie’s a good kid though, and ought to make that Doc happy. As for muh, don’t worry. Am well able to take care of myseif. Well I have to write a few more letters today so will have to cut this one short. Have been neglecting my correspondence some­what since leaving Ypres salient^ so have to get busy or there will be trouble. By the way, haven't received any "Colonists" yet, but would like to. Kindly take the hint. With best love to all F, Carne
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