97-051_LTRS 15

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 1919_97-051_015.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:54:49.689Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Somewhere in Ontario, Tuesday, 5.45 P.M. March 12,1916. Pear Mother, - The train is buoking and "bucking like a ship at sea so don’t lalow what this letter will: look like when finished. How­ever I guess it is time I dropped you a few lines so here goes. Had a pretty good sleep on the boat but sure was sore when they wouldn’t let us off the .boat to see anybody. Did you write Annie that we were going to get leave? Remember I said that it was only rumored that we would be allowed leave, and a rumor in the army can be taken with a very big grain of salt. Was sorry I missed her too not only on account of the eats either. Also sorry that I couldn't get up to see the McCormick's, The trip through the Rookies was fine, the scenery from Golden to Banff being especially beautiful. Hot nearly as cold as on the prairies either. Three engines were needed to make the grade from Field to Banff and at that it was pretty tough going. We hit Calgary Sunday afternoon and had a short march thru the business district. The town has some fine buildings. The Herald Bldg. Hudson’s Bey, and Palliser Hotel being especially good. But Sunday in Calgary is worse from a sightseeing point of view than Victoria. Hardly anybody down at the train and very very few girls. * We had a sing-song in our section Sunday evening with ban&o Violin and mandolin acconpaniment. This was interrupted by our arrival at Medicine Hat. We all marched up and down the station platform singing and cheering, in fact had a fine old rough house time. Don’t know what the town thought of us, and can’t say we oared. Hit the hay-about 10 o'clock and had a jake sleep. Hopped off the train next morning at Moose Jaw but didn't get a chance to see much of the town. At Regina lorn Webster had a young lady down to see him, and we all hung around until he had to do the necessary. I knew her sister in Victoria. Train running two hours late now on account of snow storm. Crossed into Saskatchewan around noon. Off at Brandon for a few moments but very few as it was 5° below, and a fierce wind Portage la Prairie last town we were and 10® below here. Train now three hours late, so instead of getting into Winni­peg at 9 o’dock, it was after midnight when we stopped. Didn’t take the trouble to get out of bed, as we only stopped long enough
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