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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 2741
Width: 1866
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15369406
Filename: 7920_img_116.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:14:45.197Z
Original Checksum: 912b6bc279f654b39e01c17017af6a06
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Creator Transcript
  • Scaup May 21 Anahim P.O [Post Office] to lake "common." May 22 all paired May 30 Observed determined + prolonged fighting between [male symbol]s June 2 [male symbol]'s nibbling [female symbol]'s tails June 5 All along Dean River, Anahim to Abuntlet, common + by far the commonest duck. In all, several hundred in regularly occurring pairs. June 7 Abuntlet: 50 to 100 on the lake. June 13. Abuntlet marsh - trios (2 [male symbol], 1 [female symbol] seen but no courting noted June 28 Dean River: many flushed from lily pad -many [male symbol]'s are browing markedly, even some still with [female symbol]'s. July 5 Saw several prs. [pairs] in river near P.O. [Post Office] most [male symbol]'s are quite brown; a few still black + white, with no brown on sides at least. July 9. The Scaup mystery - why so many prs [pairs] about? Why no ils [individuals?]? July 19. First Scaup brood - Little Anahim - 6 yg [young] another with 9 yg [young]. July 20 36 Scaups on Little Anahim On little anahim - 6 yg [young] in brood - shot 3. flock of 300-400 scaup on Anahim. mostly [male symbol] July 21. flock of 60 - on Dean River July 23 Little Anahim broods: 8 small 9 medium I found newly hatched yg. [young] in bucket trap at noon. Undoubtly [undoubtedly] brood had passed camp from large, equisetum slough to south of camp new little Anahim brood of 5 (trapped downies brood?) 100 Scaups in flock. July 24 Pelican LK [Lake] - brood 15.' yng. [young]
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