97-051_LTRS 260
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2164_97-051_260.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T17:50:41.568ZOriginal Checksum: 766f9d251499c73b7934bbafda5184b7Mime Type: image/tiff
- 2p6 /ugust 19th, 1918, Pear Mother end Bad,- Expect you have been thinking that it was just about time for me to he dropping you another letter. Intended writing you several evening? ago, hut didn* t make the grade. Am pleased to say that I am in the pink again having heen discharged from hospital to this convalescent camp yesterday. A fellow with s less sound constitution than I have would probably have been laid up for some li tie time with what I had. However I’m glad to be out again for I detest hospital life. It may be all right in Blighty but it is fierce over here. Being in blues, the patients aren’t allowed outside the hospital grounds. The same applied, to the hospital in Rouen, though I was in bed the most of my stay there. We are in khaki here, and I am looking forward, to a trip tomorrow afternoon down to a noted French watering place, a couple of kilos away. Am going down with a 2nd G.M.R. fellow vho had the next bed to me in the hospital. This is a very pretty section of France, the grounds we are on I understand being the property of Baron Rothschild. Expect to be here two weeks at least, maybe longer if I make the. div. football team. Played goal for a company team today, end we wen too. I have been given to understand that a fellow is good for an extra month here if he makes the team. Same old story - it pays to be an athlete. Saw Bill Mol- several times during the two days I was in the big push, also bumped into Reg. Beckwith leading a squad of Hein- ies with a. stretcher case. Wish I could write to more length of our doings before and during the push, but we are limited to two page letters here. Will fill up the firstgreen envelope I lay myhands on. Oh, yes, the night I came down the line, who should I spy on the road, but Muzz Robson. I hopped off the amb I was on, and had quite a chat with him. Incidently my leaving the amb. cost me a three hour weary search for our unit who had moved since I was at hqrs. last, Bon't know yet whether I’ll be back to the unit. May be able to glom onto a base job. Won’t be for lack of trying that’s sure and certain. Reached my limit. Yours lovingly, FRED August 28th, 1918. Bear Mother and Bad,- Here I am, still hanging around the con. camp from which I wrote you last week. Pleased to state that I am in tip top shape once more, and expect to be discharged to the Canadian base any day now.
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