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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 11:08
Height: 2058
Width: 2453
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 15161490
Filename: 1307_fawcett_10-11.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T18:39:16.468Z
Original Checksum: ebf9b065da8b2e330ec6d7d978d2389c
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Creator Transcript
  • PREFACE To MY READERS : A PREFACE is, as I understand it, an explanation, and maybe an apology, for what follows. If such is the case, I must explain several things contained in these "Reminiscences of Old Victoria " and its pioneers. Had I not been laid aside with the typhoid some eight years ago, it is likely I should not have thought of writing down these early memories, but many know what convalescing after a sickness is?how one longs for something new, something to do. I was at this time at the seaside, and all at once decided to pass my time in writing. Seated comfortably on the beach with my writing pad, I commenced " A British Boy's Experiences in San Francisco in the Early Fifties," and so have continued on from time to time during the last eight years. I have been much encouraged, by pioneers and friends, to gather the result of these pleasant labors together, and I feel I have succeeded in a very imperfect manner; but, dear reader, consider how little I should be expected to know of book-making; therefore take faults and omissions in the product of my labors cum bona venia, for there are sure to be many imperfections. There are repetitions of which I am aware, and have decided to let them stand, as I think they fit in in each case. Had I been a man of more leisure I should not have had to apologize for so many of these imperfections.
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