Notebook 04

A book titled "Toward the Well Being of Mankind" that has much of its text covered with drawings and sketches or annotated by Graham. There are many pieces of text and other notes taped and added into the book.

In Collection:
Creator Subject Language Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 notebook (180 pages) ; 31.5 x 24 cm
Additional physical characteristics
  • Cover of book is addressed to "Robin Skelton, 1255 Victoria Ave., Victoria, B.C. Canada" from "W.S. Graham, Madron, Penzance, Cornwall, England." Typescript inside front cover titled "What is your view of the policies of the American and British Governments with regard to the war in Vietnam." Inscription on back of cover page: "It does not matter who you are. It does not matter who I am. This book has not been purposely made for any reason. It has made itself by circumstances. It is aimed at nobody at all. It is now left just as an object by me to be encountered by someone else. Do Your Best. W.S. Graham." Textual ephemera added throughout the book.
Physical repository Collection
  • W.S. Graham Collection
Provider Genre Archival item identifier
  • Accession Number: 1997-040; File: 1.32
Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • August 15, 2018 to August 21, 2018
Technical note
  • Item scanned by PD on Betterlight/TTI 600 dpi PD. Scanned double page spread then cropped left/right (Camera height 500; bent 5 tone profile, 1/25; 268); mylar used only when necessary to hold down a page. Consultation with archivist re: markers, decision was made to remove and scan without then replace markers as they did not apprear to be "original" to object. Many pages of the original book were removed (cut out). Metadata by KD.
  • With permission of the Estate of W.S. Graham. Use of this material is permitted for research and private study purposes only. For all other uses, contact the Estate of W.S. Graham.

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