Community Green Map of Victoria and Region: a guide to our city, land, people and food
A map showing sites of ecological and social value in and around Victoria, BC, as identified through community input and discussion. Icons from the international Green Map System are used to identify each site. First Nations illustrations by Songees artist Butch Dick, and cartography by Ken Josephson. Reverse of map features sections about the process of making the map, the Green Map System, and information on International Community Mapping; facts about Victoria; community mapping initiatives; contributions from children and youth mapping; and a list of regional resources, web sites and other initiatives. Many community members contributed to this project, a number of them, along with sponsors and other contributors are named on the map itself. This map is part of the Green Map System.
- In Collection:
- Call Number: Wall map 320
- Call Number: G3514 V5 2004 J6
- 1 map on 2 sheets : colour ; 86 x 61 cm
- Community Green Map of Victoria and Region
- British Columbia--Oak Bay
- British Columbia--Langford
- British Columbia--Central Saanich
- British Columbia--View Royal
- British Columbia--Esquimalt Lagoon
- British Columbia--Victoria Region
- British Columbia--Victoria--Cordova Bay
- British Columbia--Gulf Islands
- British Columbia--Saanich Inlet
- British Columbia--Metchosin
- British Columbia--Victoria--Colwood
- British Columbia--North Saanich
- British Columbia--Saanich
- British Columbia--Race Rocks
- British Columbia--Victoria
- British Columbia--Saanich--Elk Lake
- British Columbia--Sooke Basin
- British Columbia--Becher Bay
- British Columbia--Esquimalt
- 48.4359, -123.35155
- 2001 to 2002
- Scale: 1:64516
- Community Mapping Project
- High resolution maps made available through the UVic Community Mapping Collaboratory in April 2015.
- Web-ready image files provided by the UVic Community Mapping Collaboratory.
- March 26, 2015
- 300 dpi JPG. Born digital resource. Metadata by CDM and MT.
- Rights
- This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
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