Cook, Denys: my World War II experiences (March 10, and 17, 2015)

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ABSTRACT: Military Oral History Project Interview Summary Narrator: Cook, Denys Title: The Second World War the soldiers History Interviewer: Interviewed by Taylor Youngblood Extent: Part 1: 1 sound recording mp3, 1:52: 21 Part 2: 1 sound recording mp3, 1:37:25 Interview Date and Location: Part 1: March 10th 2015 Part 2: March 17th 2015 Victoria, BC Synopsis: The interview with Sargent Denys Cook is separated into two parts, Denys Cook joined the Welsh Guards on the 27th of August 1937 from there he did training in Caterham, England. He was promoted to Sargent at the age of 18 at the time he was the youngest man to be promoted Sargent. He was responsible for training British conscripts. On the 21st of May 1940 he went to Boulogne to defend the city. He describes the very short-lived battle and how he felt outnumbered ten to one. Sargent Denys Cook was taken prisoner on May 24th 1940 Empire Day, he was a prisoner for 4 years 357 days. He explains being in a tiny cattle truck with 50 men then sleeping in a barn before he arrived to his first Stalag, he was transported many times to different Stalags. For the first two years Cook was forced into hard labor with a small ration everyday. It wasn’t until two Americans came to his camp that he heard about the Geneva Convention, because he was a Sargent he could refuse to work. From there he was taken to Stalag 383, the camp for NCO’s who refused to work. While in the camp Cook will describe the internal security system he was apart of. He will also tell an amazing story about how he was the lifeguard of the prisoner pool and taught lifeguard courses. While in the camp Cook was able to obtain a University education by being taught by the other prisoners. He was also apart of the very few who worked on the Secret Radio in the Camp. He was released the first week of March 1944 he and the other prisoners were marched for three weeks by Romanian youths. He refused to march any further, he and a friend took the top off the tins from Red Cross parcels and went onto the largest barn and spelt POW with the lids. A couple of days later an American plane noticed this and the next day him and his men were saved. At the end Sargent Cook will describe how it was difficult to readjust back to home life. This is the true story of an amazing survivor. Log: Part 1 49.04 sec -3:12 Childhood 3:12-14:00 Training in Caterham and promotion to Sargent 17:00-23:11 Training Conscripts and the techniques to do so. 23:11-46:03 Battle of Boulogne. 46:03- 56:33 Taken Prisoner and transported to the camp. 56:55- 1:03 Camp Thorn, first camp, Camp 413, food rations. 1:03- 1:28:47 Stalag 383, Red Cross Packages, Companions, Description of the Camp, the German Guards. Barter system with the Guards. Internal Security. Education in the Camp. Lifeguard in the Camp. Secret diary. 1:28:44- 1:40:38 His work on the Secret radio in Stalag 383 and the story of how he was almost caught. Part 2 1:00 min- 6:07.93 Life in Stalag 383, Description of his hut, Description of daily roll call. 6:07- 21:12 The Great Lady escape, an amazing story about two prisoners from 383 who escaped by dressing up as man and wife. 21:12- 37:16 The Daily Activities of Stalag 383, Education, description of Ferrets German spies among the prisoners, Prisoner resistance against the guards. Observations on religion and present political situation. 40:55- 46:48 The mindset of a survivor, General insights on the Second World War. 46:48- 54:42 Description of German tactics to break down the prisoners and how the prisoners would resist. 54:42- 1:03:50 Jobs in the Camp, Description of how the camp was a Bee-hive, they had Booze, Plays, Bands, a swimming pool. 1:03:05- 1:17:44 Description of the Secret Radio in more detail, description of the secret map he kept. 1:17:44- 1:27:37 Healthcare in the Camp, the issue of lice. 1:27:37- 1:36:50 When Denys Cook was freed from the camp and adjusting to life after. Suggested Clip(s) for Archive: Part 1 17:00-23:11 Training Conscripts and the techniques to do so. 23:11-46:03 Battle of Boulogne. 36:40 – 39:11 Amazing story of how Sargent Cook though his friend was dead and saw him two years later in the camp. 48:59-56:19 Amazing story of how he would write letters to the Newspaper a young woman saw this letter and wrote him after the war he found her and they were married. 1:02-1:04:54 Internal security system and the scheme to ration out food. 1:14- 1:15:31 Cigarette barter system with the Guards 1:16 – 1:19-54 Story of his secret Diary’s. 1:25- 1:26:04 Describing how he became prisoner of a POW swimming pool. 1:28:44- 1:40:38 His work on the Secret radio in Stalag 383 and the story of how he was almost caught. Part 2 6:07- 21:12 The Great Lady escape, an amazing story about two prisoners from 383 who escaped by dressing up as man and wife. 37:16:42 -40:55 When Denys Cook was hit with a Baton. 46:48- 54:42 Description of German tactics to break down the prisoners and how the prisoners would resist. 54:42- 1:03:50 Job’s in the Camp, Description of how the camp was a Bee-hive, they had Booze, Plays, Bands, a swimming pool. 1:03:05- 1:17:44 Description of the Secret Radio in more detail, description of the secret map he kept. 1:17:44- 1:27:37 Healthcare in the Camp, the issue of lice. 1:27:37- 1:36:50 When Denys Cook was freed from the camp and adjusting to life after. Subject Key Words: The British Army Caterham British Army Physical Training School Small Arms Training School Training Conscripts Conscription Welsh Guards Battle of Boulogne Battle of Dunkirk Lee-Enfield rifle Gibraltar Bayonet 2” Mortar 3” Mortar Camp Thorn Camp 413 Stalag 20b Stalag 383 Hohenfels Bavaria Geneva Convention The 88 Gun Red Gross Parcels Wehrmacht Ferret Prisoner of War POW Health Care of a POW Life of a POW Secret Radio Internal Security Prisoner Escape American Army Survivors Second World War Hitler Schutzstaffel (S.S) Nazism Germany Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO’s)

Rank: Sergeant.

Interviewee: Cook, Denys

Interviewer: Youngblood, Taylor

An interview/narrative of Denys Cook's experiences during World War II. Interview took place on March 10 and 17, 2015.

In Collection:
Contributor Subject Language Date created Relation
Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 2 sound recordings (MP3)
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 51.5, 10.5
  • 48.4359, -123.35155
Additional physical characteristics
  • Original sound recordings (AIFF) also available.
Physical Repository Collection
  • Canadian Military Oral History Collection
Provider Genre Archival item identifier
  • CD_827
Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • May 6, 2015
Technical note
  • Digital sound recording in .mp3 format at 128 kbps. Recorded in digital format by interviewer, technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Interview recorded in digital format for UVic Special Collections in 2015. Migration metadata by KD and MT.
  • This interview has been posted with the understanding that it may be used for research purposes only. Should the interviewee or their heirs have any objections to this interview being accessible on the Internet, it will be removed promptly. Contact UVic Special Collections for permission if using for other than research purposes: