華埠通訊 Vol. 06, Issue 09, December 2002
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Download PDFStart of the newsletter with vol. 1, issue 1 in April of 1993. Published bi-monthly by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association.
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- 28 pages
- Chinatown newsletter
- Hua bu tong xun
- 48.4294, -123.3679
- 48.4359, -123.35155
- illustrations, photographs
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: https://chinatown.library.uvic.ca/index.html
- 2012
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Rights
- This material is made available on this site for research and private study only. Contact UVic Archives for access to the original resource and for reproduction requests fee for reproductions.