Sketch of Cammusan Harbour, Vancouvers Island. shewing the position of Fort Victoria, from a Drawing of Js. Scarboro Capt H.H.B .C. M Vavasour Leiut Royal Engrs Inset: Plan of the fort


Oyster bed Rapid, Samphire Bank, Concordia Arm, Laurel Pt, Crown Pt., Sand bar, Whart, Salmon Store, Shoal Pt, Pt Ogden, Pt McLaughlin, Plan of the Fort, Pickets 20' feet high, Shed, Kitchen, Dwelling Houses, Store Houses 2 stories, Indian Shop, Mens House, Carpenters Shop 2. Stories, Smithy [Spot depths]

In Collection:
Creator Subject Language Identifier
  • Ruggles Number: 280A
  • G1/198
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 sheet ; 49.2 x 67 cm
Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 48.4359, -123.35155
  • 48.43569, -123.41174
Additional physical characteristics
  • 1:7,200 inset 1:1,200
Physical repository Collection
  • Early B.C. Maps from the Hudson's Bay Company Archives
Provider Genre Date digitized
  • May 10, 2013
  • Shoal Pt bears NNE from Rocky Pt Do Do N from Valley of Angeles. High water full & change 3 KM rise 8 feet, tides very irregular. The soundings are for Low waster Spring tides. Lat 48 [Degrees] 26'N. Long 123 [Degrees] 9'W Grace's run dry in the summer 1 inch:600 feet inset 1 inch : 100 feet
  • These images are provided for research only. These images are provided with the consent of the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, Archives of Manitoba, and cannot be reproduced or copied without their permission. To purchase high resolution digital files of these maps, contact:; telephone 204-945-4949.  Information on photographic reproduction services and terms of use of images are available on request.

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