Letter from Alex Lavdovsky to Martin Segger, copied to Karl Spreitz by Herbert Siegner; encl. "Proof for Karl" by Herbert Siebner

Letter from Alex Lavdovsky to Martin Segger, requesting his contribution to new Limners book as art historian. He mentions Karl Spreitz as Artistic Editor-in-Chief and Photo-illustrator. Letter is copied to Spreitz from Herbert Siebner. Siebner encloses print titled "Proof for Karl" by Herbert Siebner. Print depicts Siebner's head and shoulders, with painting in background, in sepia ink. In blue ink, Siebner has drawn curly hair, a cigar, and a smoke cloud around the painting. "Geruchte Macher" is written beneath.

In Collection:
Creator Subject Language Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 print (black and white) ; 22 x 13 cm
  • 1 page (typewritten)
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 48.4359,-123.35155
Physical Repository Collection
  • Karl Spreitz Collection
Provider Sponsor
  • Digitized through the support of the BC History Digitization Program, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, University of British Columbia.
Genre Archival item identifier
  • Accession: 2016-026
  • File: 1.6
Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • February 12, 2021
Technical note
  • Digitized using Epson Expression 1640 XL (600 DPI TIFF; 48-bit colour), on 2020-02-12. Metadata by KH.
  • Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to textual records and photographs [or archival fonds] and reproduction requests; due to preservation concerns, access to original motion picture film and other audio visual formats is not permitted. This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.