Open road - Issue 15, Spring 1983

In this issue: Direct action: what is it? "A lifestyle of action"; Direct action on the job. "Working it out: giving them the gears"; Direct action in the city. "Waking up from the urban nightmare"; "Grassroots on rooftops"; Direct action on the air. "Touch that dial"; Direct action: loud and clear. "Shock, slogans and token tantrums"; Direct action for ourselves. "Nuclear family meltdown" by Fred Mobile; "Meaning of the tribes"; Open Road special report. "Trial by media: free the five"; "'Direct Action' scores twice"; "Porn fight catches fire"; "No more business as usual" by Mathew Garth; "Conspiracy: is to breathe together" by Procne Jones; "Pioneers in the healthy zone"; "The five: who are they?"; "A tale of two cities"; "Statement from the five: how we see it"; Direct action: doing it. "Interview with a social saboteur: action is addictive"; "Up against the wall"; Direct action against the nukes. "Clamshell clampdown" by Rudy Perkins; "Reflections in the barrel of a gun" by David Firman; Direct action at the movies. "'Ghandi': the price of glory" [movie review] by George Woodcock; Direct action at the check-out. "Cut food costs: bag those bargains"; "For the law-abiding ...".

An anarchist publication produced in Vancouver, British Columbia focused on the international spectrum of anarchist and anti-authoritarian activities around popular struggles and social problems.

In Collection:
Contributor Subject Publisher Language Identifier
  • Call Number: HX821 O6
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 23 p. : ill. ; 43 cm.
Alternative title
  • OpenRoad. Issue fifteen
  • Direct Action
  • Open road, spring 1983
  • Trial by media: free the five
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 60.10867, -113.64258
  • 49.24966, -123.11934
Physical Repository Collection
  • Jim Campbell (Julie Thiers) Collection
  • Donor: Julie Thiers
Provider Genre Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • September 13, 2012
Technical note
  • 96 dpi jpeg. Digitized by CDW, KM, SC; metadata by JTP and KD.
  • Contact UVic Archives for access to the original, or ask UVic Archives to make a copy (fee for service). Patrons may look at the material through the Anarchism Digital Research Centre, but may not use images unless they contact UVic Archives.