Noted Missal, Fragment

Noted missal leaf used to bind together two sixteenth-century books printed in Basel (De varia temporum in iure civili observationes, ed. Simon Schard, Johannes Oporinus, 1561; Differentiarum in iure libro duo, ed. George Lauterberg, Johannes Oporinus, 1551). Fragment comes from the sanctorale section of the original manuscript, with late November feast days (Ss Chrysogonus and Katherine of Alexandria) and Common of Saints (beginning with the Common of an Apostle). Two chants are notated with adiastematic neumes. Fragment comes from the sanctorale section of the original manuscript, with late November feast days (Ss Chrysogonus and Katherine of Alexandria) and Common of Saints (beginning with the Common of an Apostle). To chants are marked with adiastematic neumes: Alleluia ex tumba sancte Katharine and Ego autem sicut oliva . Two chants are notated with adiastematic neumes: one for St Katherine and another for the Common of an Apostle (g03426 and g01259 respectively in the CANTUS). Host Volume: A. De varia temporum in iure civili observationes; B. Differentiarum in iure libro duo, ed. George Lauterberg, Johannes Oporinus Description produced by Angela Kaneen as part of the course "In the Archives" taught by Prof. Adrienne Williams Boyarin, University of Victoria, 2021.

In Collection:
Subject Language Identifier
  • Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.27
  • Call Number: KJA1527 A3R46 1561
Keyword Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 leaf ; 255 x 165 mm
Geographic coverage Coordinates
  • 51.5, 10.5
Additional physical characteristics
  • Rubrics and red initials (2-lines high) throughout. A four-line littera notabilior in red, blue, and green marks the beginning of the Common of an Apostle.
  • Parchment.
  • Dimensions of front cover: 16.5 x 10.5 cm.
  • Though the leaf wraps around the boards, paper pastedowns cover anything that may have been visible on the inside covers and cut off at least one of the upper rows of visible text. The parchment on the spine is sufficiently damaged (and partially covered by a now-faded label) to obscure the text.
Physical repository Collection
  • Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
Provider Genre Is referenced by Date digitized
  • May 11, 2022
  • Victoria, University of Victoria Libraries, binding fragmentKJA1527 A3R46 1561Noted Missal Leaf (in situ)Southern Germany? s. XIV?[col. a][[presta quesumus ut et conueni-]][[enter]] hec agere. et remedi-[[u]]m sepitu(r)um ualeamus-[[a]]d qui(er)e. P(er) co(mmunio). Posuisti d(omi)ne. (com)pl(etorium).Tui d(omi)ne p(er)ceptione sac(ra)-m(en)ti (et) a n(ost)ris mundem(ur)occultis. (et) ab hostiu(m) lib(er)em(ur)insidiis. p(er). Katherine. vi(rginis). (et)m(a)r(tiris) [Gaudeamus om(ne)s./or(ati)o.]Om(ni)p(otent)e semp(er) d(eu)s qui dedi(-)sti legem moysi i(n) s[[u(m)mi(-)]]tate montis sy(n)nai (et) in eo[[de(m)]]loco corp(us) beate kath(er)ine ui(r)ginis (et) m(a)r(tir)is tue p(er) s(an)c(t)os an(-)gelos tuos mirabiliter col(-)[[loc]]asti: tribue q(ui)s ut eius[spine][[meri]]tis et p(re)cium [[ad]] montem[[***]]ru(m) qui (christ)us e[[st]] p(er)uenire[[va]]leam(us). [[P(er).]] D(omi)ne d(eu)s[[******* *** *****]] u(er)itatem[[****]]e [[***** ** **** ******]][end spine][[Ex t]umba sanc(-)[[te]] virginis Katherineresudat semper o(-)leum sa(-)crum quo liniti e(-)gri sananturomn[[i]] All(elui)a. adducent(ur) regi v(irgines).[[***]] Simile e(st) reg(num). ce(lorum). de(cem). vi(rginibus).[[**]] filie regum. [[Secreta]]Munera d(omi)ne sacrificiip(re)sentis que tibi offeri-mus in honore s(an)c(t)e kathe-rine uirginis: fiant nob(is)[col. b][[eius precibus uita perpetua et salus infinita. P(er).]]Co(mmunio). Qui(n)q(ue) prude(ntes). [[Com]]pl[[etor(ium)]]Sumptis d(omi)ne salutis e[[t(er)-]]ne misteriis supplici-ter dep(re)camur. ut sicut li-quor de menbris s(an)c(t)e uirgi-nis tue katherine iugitermanat languidor corpa sa-nat. sic ei(us) or(ati)o cu(n)ctas a no-bis iniquitates expellat. P[[er.]]Om(ni)p(otent)e semp(er) d(eu)s quicorpus gl(ori)ose uirg(in)iset m(arti)ris tue kath[[eri]]ne inmonte(m) sy(n)nai ab ang[[e]]l(is) de-ferri (et) sepeliri iussisti. [[c]]o(n)-[[c]]ede q(uesumu)s : ei(us) o[[b]]ten[[tu nos]][spine][[ad arcem]] uirt[[u]]tu(m) p(ro)[[uehi ubi]][[uisionis tu]]e claritate(m) [[merea-]][[mur intueri. Per. ***** ***** ]][[****** ******** ***** *****]][[***** ***** ********.]][end spine]EGo au(-)tem sicut oliuafructifica ui indomo dominisperaui in misericordia dei me(-)i et expectabo nomen tu(-)um quoniam bonum estante conspectum sancto(-)rum tuor(um). ps(almus). Quidgloriaris in malicia qui potenses in iniquitate. [[Oratio aposto(-)]]Transcription with reconstruction of missing text by Angela Kaneen April 2021, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies class with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (University of Victoria).
Technical note
  • Scanned on Betterlight TTI at 600 DPI tiff (1/12; 263; bent5; camera 1100) by PD. Metadata by KD.
  • Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original. This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.

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