Insurance Plan of Victoria. British Columbia. Volume I

An atlas of street maps of Victoria, B. C. Surveyed June 1911; revised 1913.

In Collection:
Creator Subject Publisher Language Date created Resource type Rights statement Alternative title
  • Fire Insurance Plans, Victoria, B. C.
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 48.43294, -123.3693
Additional physical characteristics
  • Scale: 1:600
Physical Repository Collection
  • Victoria Fire Insurance Plans
Provider Sponsor
  • Royal British Columbia Museum
Genre Date digitized
  • April 23, 2012
Technical note
  • 600 dpi TIFF; no colour correction; archived in Cataloguing on Z:. Compressed from archive to 75 dpi; converted from tiff and saved as high quality (12) jpg. Digitized by the Royal British Columbia Museum and British Columbia Archives, technical metadata provided by KM, cataloguing metadata provided by GF, SC, KM.
  • To purchase high-resolution TIFF files of these maps for publication please contact: The Royal BC Museum Corporation 250356-0138 Toll Free 1-866-356-0138 Fax 250387-2072. Publication/Use fees for public and commercial rights with limited use over a 5-year period can be negotiated. Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action.
  • These images were provided to the University of Victoria by the Royal BC Museum for dissemination but are for research only. These images are provided under license by the Royal B.C. Museum and cannot be duplicated, shared, transferred, rented, sold, sub-licensed or traded in any format.

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