Transcript |
- Fauna [underlined]:- Insects [underlined] Some flightless Acridids [underlined]. A Bibionid [underlined] fly lives its
entire life in the Lobelia flowers, chironomids in lead "ponds".
Herbivores [underlined] Hyrax (Procavia johnstoni mackinderi) Duiker (Silviacapra [Sylvicapra]
grimmia [underlined], groove toothed rat (Otomys onstes) + mole rat Tachyoryctes [underlined].
Steinbuck were seen by us up into the lower Alpine Zone.
Biomass + relation to vegetation.
In some places run of Otomys occupied 30 [degree symbol]-40 [degree symbol] [think he meant %] of available
In an area where 80 Hyrax were foraging over 250,000 sq [square] yds [yards]
total wt [weight] of Hyrax was calculated to be 486 lbs [pounds] (including yng [young]) Est. [estimate]
was about 20% of the area was actually being used. Est. [estimated] daily
veg. [vegetation] consumption met by entire colony 83.2 lbs [pounds]. Over an area of 10.3
acres actually used est [estimated] removal was 8.1 lbs [pounds]/acre/day. while
the area supported about 50 lbs [pounds]/acre.
Most species of sunbirds produce 2+3 eggs, the Scarlet Tufted - only 1 egg
Hyrax, one per birth, whereas lowland averages 2-4 (1-6)
See references to Pearsell, WH. 1950 Mountains + Moorlands, London
1961 Survival in drought, New
Scientist 12 [underlined] no [number] 362:489-491.