Refined_Tastes_Literati_Style_of_China_Japan 58

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Tiffany Chan
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  • Yixing ware artifacts, Chinese Late 19th/early 20th century small vase in form of bamboo, brushpot in form of bamboo, brushpot with floral scenes on four sides water dropper in form of Buddha�s hand fruit, water dropper in the form of scholar, drum-shaped container, paint dish with three compartments, round seal paste container, teapot. Courtesy of the American Friends of Canada Inc., Gift of Carol Potter Peckham, AGGV Ceramiques Yixing, Chine Fin XlXe/debut XXe siede Petit vase en forme de bambou, pot a pinceaux en forme de bambou, pot a pinceaux avec scenes florales sur quatre cotes, eompte-gouttes en forme du fruit � main du Bouddha, eompte-gouttes en forme d�erudit, recipient en forme de tambour, plat peint � trois compartiments, recipient rond pour p�te � seeau, theiere. Avec la permission des American Friends of Canada Inc., Don de Carol Potter Peckham, AGGV Inksticks, Chinese Circa 1910-20 -Set of Inksticks with images of Ren Bonian paintings, Gift of Mary Hummel, AGGV -Set of Inksticks in the form of the Three Star Gods of Happiness, Affluence and Longevity, Collection of Carol Potter Peckham. -Set of Coloured Inksticks with relief images of Buddhist Arhats, Private Collection B�tonnets d�encre, Chine Environ 1910-20 Jeu de b�tonnets d�encre avec images de Ren Bonian Don de Mary Hummel, AGGV - Jeu de b�tonnets d�encre sous forme des Trois etoiles Dieux de la Felicite, de la Fortune et de la Longevite Collection Carol Potter Peckham. - Jeu de b�tonnets d�encre de couleur avec images en relief d�Arhats bouddhiques Collection privee 58
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