Transcript |
- A cknowledgements
This exhibition hopes to present a balanced view at the history of Japanese printmaking from the early Primitives to the modern era. Many devoted scholars and collectors will, no doubt, disagree with our choice to show not only the most outstanding artists but also the many minor print artists who were not always successful at printmaking. However, it is hoped that this publication will help to give some idea of the scope of their accomplish�ments and their shortcomings, and of thegreat legacy Japanese prints have left to the world.
This exhibition would not have been possible without the generous donations of Mrs. Isabel Pollard and of other collectors, whose donated Japanese prints to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria now number over six hundred. We would also like to thank the private collectors of the Japanese prints, namely Stuart Jackson, Brian S. McElney, Steven F. Savitt, Mary Lynn Baum and several anonymous lenders, who have made their prints available to make this exhibition more comprehensive.
The assistance of the following people have been vital to the production of this publication: Judith Aldritt-McDowell for editing, Eric Dowse for most of the photography, Jack Guthrie for translation, and Yoko Guthrie for help with the translation of Japanese names.
Also the following staff members must be thanked: Anne Kent for typing, Amy Algard for registration and Chris Russell, Brian Patten and John Walker for preparation.
We are grateful to the Museum Assistance Pro�gramme of the National Museums of Canada for the funding, which has made this exhibi�tion possible.
To all those mentioned above, our profound appreciation.
Barry Till September 1986
Cette exposition souhaite pr�senter un aper�u �quilibr� de l�histoire de l�estampe japonaise, � partir du d�but de l��poque primitive jusqu�� l��re moderne. Il va sansdirequedenombreux fervents savants et collectionneurs ne seront pas d�accord avec notre d�cision de pr�senter non seulement les artistes les plus �minents, mais aussi les nombreux artistes-graveurs mineurs qui n�ont pas toujours r�ussi la gravure. Pourtant, nous souhaitons que cette monographie donne une certaine id�e de la port�e de leurs r�alisations et de leurs fai�blesses, et du grand patrimoine l�gu� au monde par l�estampe japonaise.
Cette exposition n�aurait pas �t� possible sans les dons g�n�reux de Mme Isabel Pollard et d�autres collectionneurs dont les dons en estampes japonaises � la Art Gallery of Greater Victoria d�passent d�j� les six cents. Nous aimerions �galement remercier les collectionneurs priv�s d�estampes japonaises, � savoir Stuart Jackson, Brian S. McElney, Steven F. Savitt, Mary Lynn Baum et plusieurs pr�teurs anonymes, qui ont mis leurs estampes � notre disposition et ont ainsi rendu cette exposition plus repr�sentative.
L�aide des personnes dont les noms suivent a �t� essentielle � la pr�paration de ce cata�logue: Judith Aldritt-McDowell, pour la r�vision, Eric Dowse, pour la plupart des photographies, Jack Guthrie, pour la traduction, et Yoko Guthrie pour la transcription des noms japonais. En plus, il faut remercier certains membres de notre personnel: Anne Kent pour la dactylo�graphie, Amy Algard pour l�inscription, et Chris Russel, Brian Patten et John Walker, pour les pr�paratifs.
Nous sommes reconnaissants au Programme d�aide aux mus�es des Mus�es nationaux du Canada de la subvention qui a rendu possible cette exposition.
A toutes les personnes sus-mentionn�es, nous t�moignons notre profonde gratitude.
Barry Till septembre 1986