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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 11:08
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Filename: 1311_fawcett_106-107.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • 10 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Showing Inside of Fort from Wharf Street, 1859 122 Hon. Amor De Cosmos 144 William P. Sayward 144 Thomas Harris 144 Bishop Garrett 144 First Methodist Church 150 First Bridge Over the Gorge, Victoria Arm 160 Forty Years Ago, Queen's Birthday, Beacon Hill - 160 Colonial Hotel 200 H. B. Co.'s Steamer Beaver 200 Part of View Street, 1859 200 Victoria District Church, 1859 200 Hon. Senator Macdonald 204 Lt: Col. Wolfenden, I.S.O., V.D. 204 Wm. Leigh 204 John Chapman Davie, M.D. 204 Edgar Fawcett 212 Captain "Willie" Mitchell 216 Hon. Dr. Helmcken 216 Gov. John H. Johnson, of Minnesota 216 Samuel Booth 216 Rev. Edward Cridge, 1859 244 Venerable Bishop Cridge 244 Bishop and Mrs. Cridge at their Golden Jubilee 244 A Park in San Bernardino 288 Songhees Indian Reserve 288 Bastion?S. W. Corner of Fort 288 SOME REMINISCENCES OF OLD VICTORIA CHAPTER I. THE EXPERIENCES OF A. BRITISH BOY IN SAN FRANCISCO IN THE EARLY FIFTIES. I SHALL commence by saying that I, with my father, mother, brother and sister, arrived in San Francisco in 1850, in the ship Victoria, from Australia, where I was born. From stress of weather we put into Honolulu to refit, and spent, I think, three weeks there, and as my mother was not in good health the change and rest on shore did her a deal of good. During our stay we became acquainted with a wealthy American sugar planter, who was married to a pretty native lady. They had no family, and she fell in love with your humble servant, who was of the mature age of two and a half years. My mother, of course, told me of this years later, how that after consulting with her husband, the planter, she seriously proposed to my mother that she give me to her for adoption as her son; that I should be well provided for in the case of her husband's death, and in fact she made the most liberal offers if she might have me for her own. It might have been a very important epoch in my life, for if my mother had accepted, who knows but what I might have been " King of the Hawaiian Islands," as the planter's wife was " well con- 11
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