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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
Height: 7890
Width: 5130
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 121427340
Filename: 90_ccbav_1_4_4_03_014.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T20:28:42.612Z
Original Checksum: 5797f8f55595875cb17fc9253d3b4141
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Creator Transcript
  • less remarkable then their patience, resolution and fertility of resource in every pursuit of daily life whether as the [not readable] of the fileds or as the labourer in the crowded city, as a Merchant Mechanic or Seafarer they alike show the same extraordinary tenacity of purpose and powers of endurance. These I do respectfully submit are qualifications essential to the development of New countries as well as the stability of old ones. My countrymen under circumstances different from any they have previously encountered (in British Columbia as elsewhere) have come into competition with many races and I can affirm that they have generally conducted themselves orderly and peaceably [not readable] in the face of a series of reckless misrepresentations and dastardly illusage have borne themselves as temperate and law-abiding citizens. In conclusion, I think I can with confidence fairly lodge the claim of the Chinese of that measure of justice and consideration which Canada and the great English people accord to other nations. Accept Dear Sir the assurance of my best friendship, Huang Sic Chen. To the Hon. [not readable] The Secretary of State of Canada. To The Hon. J. H. Gray Commissioner appointed to Report on the Chinese Question.
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