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Tienharra, N. Canadian Views on Immigration and Population: An Analysis of Post-War Gallop Polls. Ottawa, Information Canada, 1974. (UBC-Sedge.) JV7225 T485 1974
The following questions are considered: What are Canadian attitudes towards immigration, Canadian images of immigrants, Canadian acceptance of immigrants? What kinds of immigrants do Canadians prefer and what are Canadian attitudes towards the immigration policy?
Tremblay, Rene, "Forecasts more HK immigration." Chinatown News. Vol. 11, July 18, 1964, pp. 4-5, 11. Aug. 3, 1964, pp. 12-13.
Text of Immigration Minister's address to Chinese in Toronto,
Wahn, Ian, "Opportunity for the Illegal Immigrants." Chinatown News. Vol. 20, no. 23, Aug. 1973.
Explains the miles and limitations of amnesty for illegal entry before Oct, 1973.
Ward, N. L. and Hellaby, H, A. Oriental Missions in B.C. 1925. (VPL) NW266 W260
Discusses various aspects of the oriental problems, the origin and background of the Chinese immigrants, Chinese immigration, social system of Chinese Canadians, Chinese point of view and Christian missions to Chinese in B.C. Has a Christian connotation.
White Canada Association. British Columbia's Oriental Problem. Vancouver, 1931. (PA) NWp 325.711 W589
A brief prepared by the White Canada Association. Gives statistics on oriental population, economic conditions and their occupations in B.C. Refers to the Chinese and Japanese as "unabsorbable aliens." The writer states that the White Canada Association strongly believes in the old adage: "Good fences make good neighbours."
Willmott, W.E. "Approaches to the Study of the Chinese in B.C." B.C. Studies. 14:38-52, Sept. 1970.