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Kenny, Harry C. "Chinatown Challenge," Chinatown News. Vol. 10, no, 6, Nov, 1962,
Compares New York City's Chinatown social conditions with Chinatowns of other major cities.
Kirkwood, John, "Vancouver's Chinatown in Ferment," Chinatown News, Vol. 18, no. 13, Mar. 18, 1971, pp. 15-20.
On the ordeals that new H.K. immigrants must face, not only from Occidents but Canadian born Chinese. Illustrates how new H.K. immigrants are not accepted due to their inability to speak English properly, their mannerisms, etc.
Lee, Art. "Report from Parliament Hill." Chinatown News, Vol. 22, no. 15, April 1975.
Discusses a report concerning RCKP investigations of criminal activities in Chinese communities throughout Canada.
Lee, Jung O. K. Some aspects of mental illness among recent immigrant Chinese: A comparative case study of Chinese male patients immigrant and Canadian-born, hospitalized at Provincial Mental Hospital and Crease Clinic, B.C. 1950-1960. UBC MSW Thesis, Vancouver, 1961. (UBC-Sp, Col.) LE3 1963 A5 L3 S6 Cox. 1-3
A master degree paper which investigates problems of immigrant Chinese through comparison with the Canadian-born Chinese. There is a detailed investigation on the ways, customs and cultural background of the overseas Chinese. Problems of communication, social integration and cultural conflicts are discussed.
MacGill, H. G. The Oriental Delinquent in the Vancouver Juvenile Court. Reprinted from Sociology and Social Research.. Vol. XXII, no. 5, May-June 1938. (VCA) pamphlet 1938-39 (Micro)
Comments on why there are less Oriental delinquents in Court. Author feels that it is partly due to the traditions of family control existing in Oriental families.