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Dean Seeman
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Filename: 205_Bib_Chinese-Canadian1979_076.tif
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  • 76 Workingmen's Protective Association. Constitution. By-Laws and Rules of Order of the Workingmen's Protective Association, Victoria, McMillan and Son, 1878. (VCA) Misc. P. (PA) NWp 366 W912c A pamphlet showing anti-Chinese objectives exist in the Workingmen's Protective Association. a propaganda tract exhorting white B.C. to greater vigilance to prevent greedy politicians from selling out to Chinese and Japanese, ...Reiterates almost every anti-Oriental cliche of the times." (taken from the Introduction) Ward, W. P. White Canada Forever. 1858-1914. Queens University, PhD Thesis, Kingston, 1972. (UBC-Sp. Col.) F5032 07 W37 1972 A thorough study of the Chinese's situation in B.C. between the years 1858-1914. Anti-Orientalism, the cultural norm of the period, agitation, hostility and xenophobia towards the Chinese is analysed. Ward, W. P. White Canada Forever. Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press. (UBC-Sp. Col.) FC3850 06 W372 1978 (VPL) 323-1711 W26w Ref. On popular attitudes and public policy towards Orientals in B.C. Wong, Foon Sien. "Is Racial Prejudice dying out?" Chinatown News. Vol. 3, no. 7, Dec. 1955. Discusses discrimination and relates it with the false accusation from a powerful Vancouver daily, that 85% of the Chinese immigrants came under false pretenses. Wong, Foon Sien. "Racial Ban Quashed in B.C." Chinatown News. Vol. 3, no. 15, Apr. 1956. Describes a racial issue in which a Chinese girl was rejected an apartment because of her racial origin. Wong, Foon Sien. "Past Achievements, Future Aspirations." Chinatown News. Vol. 3, no. 9, Jan. 1956. Summarises the Chinese success in gaining a legal position and fair treatment in Canada from 1858 to 1956.
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