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Karen Dykes
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passed on February 07, 2025 at 21:00
Height: 8887
Width: 6116
File Format: tiff (TIFF EXIF)
File Size: 163552012
Last Modified: 2025-02-08T17:52:55.037Z
Original Checksum: 923ccfbdc46b7084e7fa3d89ccbee74a
Mime Type: image/tiff
  • 1. Love the nation, love the people, defend the Communist Party of China. Study hard, be prepared to contribute your strength to socialist modernization. 2. Come to school on time, don't be late or leave early, don't cut classes. 3. Concentrate in class, consider things carefully, complete homework diligently. 4. Stay physically active, participate enthusiastically in culture and recreation. 5. Be careful about hygiene, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't spit everywhere. 7. Respect school rules, respect public order, respect state laws. 8. Revere your teachers and elders, unite with your fellow-students, don't curse people or fight. 9. Show concern for the collective, protect public property, don't do anything to harm the collective or other people. 10. Be modest and honest, correct your faults.
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