Transcript |
- 50 [left page number]
51 [right page number]
[photo, upper left]
Feb 1st 1899
#93 Wilfred C. Snider
Arrested by Detectives
Perdue & [and] Palmer & [and] Cons [constable]
Walker. Charged with
Housebreaking. Convicted
and sentenced to 4 years
& [and] 9 Months on 4 charges.
[photo, lower left]
Feb 1st 1899
#94 William Robertson
Arrested by Detectives
Perdue & [and] Palmer & [and]
Cons [constable] Walker. Charged
with Burglary, House-
breaking & [and] being in possession
of stolen Property.
Convicted and sentenced
to 6 years on seven charges
[photo, upper right]
12 M. [months] H.L. [hard labour]
Mar 14th 1899
#95 James G. Young
Arrested by Chief H.W. Sheppard
Charged with an indecent
assault on Dora Droob aged
10 years. (Committed for trial)
This man was arrested here
before for drunk & [and] gave the name
of Martin
[photo, lower right]
Mar 21st 1899
#96 Wong Quing
Arrested by Cons [constable] Carter
Charged with stealing a
$5.00 Bill from W.E. Oliver
Sentenced 3 Months