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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 03, 2024 at 11:54
Height: 3973
Width: 2592
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 30894288
Filename: 213_2_proclamation002.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-03T19:01:16.655Z
Original Checksum: 0cf245a9a245727a7c9a0a9f732be786
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • GENDARMERIE CONTROL It is hereby proclaimed that:- 1. The citizen of the United States of America and the subject of the British Empire, residing in the Shanghai area not less than fourteen years of age, shall be required (1) To obtain permission from the Japanese Gendarmerie before moving his or her residence. (2) To report to the Japanese Gendarmerie the following items (form available at the Gendarmerie Station, within five days hereafter, and in person so far as possible, submitting at the same time three passport photographs, or, if such a photograph is unavailable, an autographed piece of paper (2"*3") with the fingerprint of the thumb. a. Name Nationality Date of Birth Sex Status in military service b. Address (and telephone number) c. Occupation Kind of work (or position) Place of employment (Name and address) d. Arms, photographic apparatus, wireless transmitter, Motor-car and motor-cycle (Kind, make, number, registration of licence number, and other particulars). e. Real estate (Kind, locality, estimated value). f. Personal property not less than Sh.$10,000 in estimated value (Kind, locality, estimated value). g. In case real estate under (e) or personal property under (f) having been transferred within the previous five months, its kind locality, estimated value, the name and address of the transferee, the date, price and reason of transference. II. If a citizen of the United States of America or a subject of the British Empire residing in the Shanghai area, (i) moves his or her residence hereafter without permission in violation of I-(1), or (ii) fails to submit a report under I-(2), anyone who knows of such an instance shall immediately inform the Japanese Gendarmerie. Anyone who is in a position to have known of such an instance and yet fails to inform shall be liable to severe punishment. THE HIGH COMMAND OF THE JAPANESE FORCES IN THE SHANGHAI AREA.
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