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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 03, 2024 at 11:54
Height: 3973
Width: 2592
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 30894288
Filename: 212_1_proclamation001.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-04T00:46:17.672Z
Original Checksum: 82ca56d417236cf3bc3f6ebe944be81d
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • Proclamations Japanese to keep order. Whereas, being compelled by the state of war which has arisen between Japan on one hand and the United States of America and the British Empire on the other, detachments of the Japanese Army and Navy shall be as from today dispatched in the International Settlement for the suppression of hostile activities and for the maintenance of peace and order in the area, and WHEREAS, however, the Japanese Military Authorities, whose first concern in taking this measure is the maintenance of peace and order and preservation of the prosperity of the settlement, are ready to respect the life and property of the general public, even in case of nationals of the enemy, countries, unless either they act against the interests of the Japanese forces or their property is liable to hostile usage. THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY URGED that they will rest assured with the above intention of the Japanese Military Authorities and pursue their daily work as usual IT IS ALSO PROCLAIMED that those who act to the detriment of the general peace and order or in the enemy's interests, particularly those who act in contravention of the Japanese Military Regulation, and those who destroy or cause any damage to the public institutions or the stocks of essential materials shall be strictly punished in accordance with the Military Regulations. COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF OF THE JAPANESE ARMY AND NAVY IN THE SHANGHAI AREA
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